Technische Dokumentation Modul ZEIT



Dokumentationstyp: Vollständig (zur Endanwender Dokumentation)
Erstellt am: 07.12.2023
Modulversion: 5
Modultyp: Basismodul
Beschreibung: Modul für Verwaltung von Zeitbuchungen von Personalsystemen
Benötigt Administrator Rechte: Nein
Ab OCT Version: 5.10.11



Speichern der Stammdaten bzw. Bezeichnungen der verschiedenen Abwesenheiten (z.B. Urlaub, Krankheit, Fortbildung).

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 RowKey BIGINT highlight_off check_circle highlight_off
Technical primary Key for row identity.
2 DataSourceKey INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Technical primary Key of datasource. DataSourceKey is used to create a unique identifier when paired with CompanyID.
3 CompanyID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
OCT identifier for the company. Part of AccountKey.
4 AbwesenheitsartID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Idendifikator der Absenheitsart
5 Langname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
Langname der Absenheitsart
6 Kurzname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
Kurzname der Absenheitsart
7 CustomValuesJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
Custom field to store any customer individual informations

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Tabelle zum Speichern des Abweseneitsjournals je Mitarbeiter

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 RowKey BIGINT highlight_off check_circle highlight_off
Technical primary Key for row identity.
2 DataSourceKey INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Technical primary Key of datasource. DataSourceKey is used to create a unique identifier when paired with CompanyID.
3 CompanyID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
OCT identifier for the company. Part of AccountKey.
4 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Jahr INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 Monat INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
7 AbwesenheitsartID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Idendifikator der Absenheitsart
8 Tage BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Abwesenheitstage (BIGINT - um 100 skaliert)
9 CustomValuesJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
Custom field to store any customer individual informations

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Tabelle zum Speichern des monatlichen Mehrarbeitssaldos je Mitarbeiter

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 RowKey BIGINT highlight_off check_circle highlight_off
Technical primary Key for row identity.
2 DataSourceKey INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Technical primary Key of datasource. DataSourceKey is used to create a unique identifier when paired with CompanyID.
3 CompanyID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
OCT identifier for the company. Part of AccountKey.
4 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Jahr INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 Monat INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
7 MehrarbeitSaldo BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Über- bzw. Minusstunden am Ende des Monats in Minuten
8 CustomValuesJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
Custom field to store any customer individual informations

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Speichern von Organisationseinheiten.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 RowKey BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 DataSourceKey INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 CompanyID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 OrgID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Langname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
6 Kurzname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
7 CustomValuesJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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Speichern von Personalstammdaten.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 RowKey BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 DataSourceKey INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 CompanyID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Personalnummer NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 OrgID NVARCHAR(50) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
7 Nachname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
8 Vorname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
9 CustomValuesJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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Tabelle zum Speichern des Resturlaubs je Mitarbeiter

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 RowKey BIGINT highlight_off check_circle highlight_off
Technical primary Key for row identity.
2 DataSourceKey INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Technical primary Key of datasource. DataSourceKey is used to create a unique identifier when paired with CompanyID.
3 CompanyID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
OCT identifier for the company. Part of AccountKey.
4 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Jahr INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 Monat INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
7 AbwesenheitsartID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Idendifikator der Absenheitsart
8 GuthabenAlt BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Resturlaubguthaben aus dem alten Jahr (BIGINT - um 100 skaliert)
9 GuthabenAktuell BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Resturlaubguthaben aus dem aktuellen Jahr (BIGINT - um 100 skaliert)
10 GuthabenUnverplant BIGINT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
Unverplanter Urlaub im aktuellen Jahr (BIGINT - um 100 skaliert)
11 CustomValuesJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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Bereitstellung der Daten aus der Tabelle integration.tZEIT_Abwesenheitsarten.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 CompanyKey NVARCHAR(63) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 MandantenID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 AbwesenheitsartID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 Kurzname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
5 Langname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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Bereitstellung der Daten aus der Tabelle integration.tZEIT_Abwesenheitsjournal.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 CompanyKey NVARCHAR(63) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 MandantenID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 Jahr INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Monat INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 AbwesenheitsartID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
7 Tage MONEY check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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Bereitstellung der Daten aus der Tabelle integration.tZEIT_Mehrarbeit.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 CompanyKey NVARCHAR(63) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 MandantenID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 Jahr INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Monat INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 MehrarbeitSaldo MONEY check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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Referenziert von


Bereitstellung der Daten aus der Tabelle integration.tZEIT_Organisationseinheiten.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 CompanyKey NVARCHAR(63) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 MandantenID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 OrgID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 Kurzname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
5 Langname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

Referenzierte Objekte

Referenziert von


Bereitstellung der Daten aus der Tabelle integration.tZEIT_Personalstammdaten.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 CompanyKey NVARCHAR(63) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 MandantenID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 Personalnummer NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 OrgID NVARCHAR(50) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
6 Nachname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
7 Vorname NVARCHAR(255) check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

Referenzierte Objekte

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Bereitstellung der Daten aus der Tabelle integration.tZEIT_Resturlaub.

# Name Datentyp NULL Identity Berechnet
1 CompanyKey NVARCHAR(63) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
2 MandantenID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
3 PersID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
4 AbwesenheitsartID NVARCHAR(50) highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
5 Jahr INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
6 Monat INT highlight_off highlight_off highlight_off
7 GuthabenAlt MONEY check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
8 GuthabenAktuell MONEY check_circle highlight_off highlight_off
9 GuthabenUnverplant MONEY check_circle highlight_off highlight_off

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This stored procedure is used to delete data from all tables of the module "ZEIT".

# Parameter Datentyp
1 @DataSourceKey INT
2 @CompanyID NVARCHAR(50)
OCT identifier for the company. Part of AccountKey.
3 @PeriodFrom INT
4 @PeriodTo INT
5 @Username NVARCHAR(255)
6 @IsDeltaloadBool BIT
7 @Module NVARCHAR(255)

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This the post bulkload procedure of module "ZEIT". The procedure triggers the sync of master data from integration to global schema including foster parent handling.

# Parameter Datentyp
1 @Username NVARCHAR(255)
2 @CompanyKeys NVARCHAR(MAX)
List of CompanyKeys, semicolon separated.

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Procedure to transfer data of module ZEIT to result schema.

# Parameter Datentyp
1 @Username NVARCHAR(255)
2 @CompanyKeys NVARCHAR(MAX)
3 @FullRebuild BIT
Force full rebuild of fact tables.

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